Haight-Ashbury Holistic Astrology

Haight-Ashbury Holistic Astrology

Hello, Haight-Ashbury!

How do you keep moving forward even if things around you feel like they’re sliding sideways?

Having personal goals you incrementally work towards may help to provide a sense of stability and progress, even if other things feel out of your control.

But what does this have to do with astrology?

To start, astrology reminds us that there are cycles to life, and it can help us to keep track of these patterns (as we looked at this Spring). For example, you could use the Moon to track progress on short-term goals or you could use Mars to gauge steps taken on a multi-year fitness journey.

In addition, observing the heavens can remind us that motion is sometimes relative … retrograde planets are not actually moving backwards but only appear to do so from our vantage point on Earth. Using retrogrades as periods of reflection or rest might prepare you for what’s ahead.

It may also be helpful to acknowledge that not every aspect of your being is always in alignment with all your goals, and managing aspects of yourself that work counter to your plans can be part of the process. Understanding where you may be in conflict with yourself may help shine light on procrastination tendencies or behaviors that lead to backsliding… and astrology is all about how things are connected, whether harmoniously or not.

So, even with everything going on that may be outside your sphere of influence, how are you moving forward towards your goals?

I hope you enjoy the Haight Ashbury Street Fair and the rest of Summer!

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