Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor, Summer 2021

Right around the time spring began blooming this year, seems like that’s about when a little bit of hope started opening up and ever-so-quietly showing up around the neighborhood. And even though things certainly aren’t all unicorns and rainbows, you can sort of see a smile trying to peek out from under the masks still being worn, a glimmer of kindness in most peoples’ eyes these days as they pass by on the street.

And yet, this is roots perhaps in its strong contrast to the loss of way too many people dear to us in recent times, including several streetpeople here in the neighborhood in just the past 5 months: Bruce, Troll, Loki, Stumbles, Half-Pint — you are loved. You are missed.

In the departed’s honor, the best we can do is keep on keepin’ on. As the bits and pieces of synchronicity started making themselves known, the possibility for Haight Street Voice‘s re-entrance into the world as a print publication helped my heart shed a truckload of psychological sludge and open up to the potential realities just up ahead …

I am truly honored and humbled by the incredible support from artists, musicians, seekers, dreamers, local merchants, friends and family in the way of positive energy, generous contributions, and emotional encouragement.

Of not, Nancy Gille of the SF Heritage and Kelly Harris of the Haight Street Art Center have been two beautiful badass angels on my shoulder right from the beginning of this thing gettin’ born. Thank you, groovy goddesses!

This edition of Haight Street Voice is dedicated to the late “Lawyer to the People” Brian Rohan, who believed in this magazine since the day he held it in his hands and yelled at me to ask for the actual price for an ad instead of giving them all away. Brian was loving in an acerbic, hilarious way. The Haight-Ashbury would not be here were it not for him and Michael Stepanian of HALO. We love you Brian. Rest now — though you’re probably still kicking ass and taking names.

Rest in Peace, incredible soul.

Brian Rohan (L) and Michael Stepanian (R)

–Linda Kelly, Editor-in-Chief

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