
A Chat with Emily, Our Beloved Post Lady

Haight Street Voice: When did you first come to San Francisco? How old were you, where did you come from?

Emily: I was born 1972 in Burma, Yeman. My native town is Moko but I grew up in Mandalay. I was here in San Francisco 2002.  I was 36. My husband [Brian Chan] was petitioning here, so we married and I immigrated here. In our country, we don’t have rights, and the military coup have been torturing and killing and burning all the villages. I want to pray for them to get federal democracy.  

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HSV: This community loves you. I told people I was going to interview you and everybody was so excited. If we in our community can help, what can we do? 

E: We have a website [] representing our government, and you can make a donation there.

HSV: When did you start at the post office?

E: I started in 2007 and I’m luckily in this zone 94117 since I started! Most of the people know me. Maybe they might not know my name exactly, sometimes me too, I know the person but I don’t know their name. So that’s why I thank you for interviewing me!

HSV: You were so excited a few months ago when you told me your daughter just graduated. Tell me what that means for you.

E: I have 2, actually. My son Sean just graduated last year and this is his first year at UCSD. My daughter Tiffany just graduated from high school. She wants to do biology and she’s planning on going to UC Davis. The main thing is my husband and I want to support our children. We work for them to get educated here in America.

HSV: What do you love about the Haight Ashbury? 

E: The people around here, they are so loving. Everybody treats me very nice. At first I was a little bit scared to get this route, but the reality when I deliver I realized this is the perfect route for me. What I love is that they have a restaurant, they have a business, they have a fair. And also the park. I can see people exercising, kids playing. Plus, like today, very hot, but in SF, very nice. Oak Street, I have 3 blocks that give me shade, and the wind from the ocean — that’s very nice for me! I love Haight Ashbury neighborhood! I love my job a lot. I can see all the people from all over the world — every day! 

HSV: We love you, Emily! What would you like to say to everybody in the neighborhood? 

E: “Mingalaba, Haight Street!” That means “hello” in Burmese! 


From Haight Street Voice #12: “Dog Days of Summer”

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