
Free Gold Watch Arcade: Matthew Henri

Since 2009, Free Gold Watch (Waller @ Stanyan) has been a screenprinting shop, printing t-shirts for the like of Amoeba, Cha-Cha-Chas, and other spots throughout the Haight and SF. In 2011 co-owner Matt Henri had the random idea of bringing pinball machines into the mix. Today, FGW is a full-on bustling arcade with nearly 60 pinball machines — blessing the Haight with … FUN!

by Linda Kelly

Matt Henri: Growing up, for me, arcades were my favorite thing to do. I’d ride my bike — I mean it sounds cliche but I would ride my bike miles, miles to be at my local arcade and just drop quarter after quarter playing mostly arcade games at that time. It was a place you went, a community place where you went out of the house and did things. And that’s what we’re bringing back. My favorite thing is when I see kids in here with their parents and, you know, not at home hanging out on PS4 and Xboxes and all headsetted up, but out in the public, playing games next to people, laughing. And it’s all on regular quarters, just classic. Not on swipe cards or any newfangled thing. it’s just classic Americana. 

Haight Street Voice: Super beautiful.

MH: There’s been a lot of people who won’t even leave who I’ve heard won’t move out of this neighborhood just because they want their proximity to here. I swear!

HSF: What’s your favorite thing about owning this place?

MH: It’s pretty cool in its way because it’s got two facets: you got the arcade action but you’ve also got the screenprinting side, so …

HSV: The dispensary you guys are opening soon. Can we talk about that? 

MH: Harborside. That’s up and around the corner [on Stanyan]. We’ve got a ready-to-go store with no power. So as soon as PGE comes through and digs up the trenches and runs these wires, we’ll be juiced!

HSV: If you could say anything to this community let-alone all communities in the world, what would you like to say to everybody?

MH: Just treat people like you want to be treated. Be nice. Be nice to people, be kind, smile, give people a break. You don’t have to honk at everybody for every little thing, you know, when they’re crossing the street. Take a breath. Take a beat. Relax a little bit,. We’re making it through this pandemic and we all gotta try to do what we can do and, you know, get along. Keep the peace. Get guns off the street. Those things … 

Come take a walk through the magical vibes of Free Gold Watch in our video interview with Matt. It’s FUN! Nuff said!

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