First, the rug gets pulled out from under you. Next, you figure out how to get on top of the damn thing and ride it like a magic carpet.
My long-term house-sitting gig is suddenly coming to an end. The gorgeous condo in Bakersfield that I’ve cared for since 2014 is going on the market in March. “Oh…. OH…. OK,” said I, recovering from the initial shock in about five seconds. It wasn’t really a shock, anyway. I was “getting short” in the BFD, and I could feel it.
And just as suddenly, the Pink Palace was calling my name. Stashed in my friend’s Blue Ribbon Auto parking lot, my broke-down palace – a 1986 Windjammer – sings her siren song.
Covered in dust to discourage intruders, tires flat, there she waited. I opened the creaky door and instantly fell back in love: Driver’s seat covered in pink velveteen with tiny white flowers. Two matching pink upholstered armchairs, matching pink cushions on the bench seats at the kitchen table. With a little elbow grease and some loving care, totally livable. My little pink playhouse on wheels. Go ahead and say it. I know you want to: It’s Barbie’s Playhouse!
Barbie’s Playhouse is moving to Tahoe. I can’t wait. But first, I’m preparing the condo for sale. I’m learning new stuff, communicating with various tradespeople and my homeowner. I want to make it as easy for her as possible. I am grateful beyond words for this opportunity to hunker down and focus on writing all this time. I could never have created my website and several blogs without this extended alone time. Now it’s time to make something else out of it.
Road trip! Two magical words that make my heart take flight. Falling into abundance: First, you let yourself fall, like Alice down the rabbit hole. Next thing you know, you sprout wings and you’re off on a magic carpet ride.
Local TV coverage:
The actual show:
Here’s a picture of the Pink Palace in the yard next to Blue Ribbon Auto. It was in the yard when they were doing the makeover! Been there since 9/16/2015. Tomorrow is it’s 9 year anniversary of sitting in that parking lot.

I’ve known Mike and his wife since before the makeover. They were friends of Valerie’s aunt who owned this condo. TMI, I know. But they just may appear again a little further down the road….
Also, here’s a selfie from today when I visited the RV.
Fun stuff.