Cover Stories Interviews

Season of the Witch

“When I look out my window

Many sights to see

And when I look in my window

So many different people to be

That it’s strange, sure is strange

You’ve got to pick up every stitch

Oh no, must be the season of the witch”

                                                          — Donovan

“In mythology, Diana was often considered an aspect of a triple goddess: Diana as huntress, Diana as the moon, Diana of the underworld. A branch of neo-paganism known as Dianic Wicca is named for her, characterized by an exclusive focus on the feminine aspect of the divine.”

                                              — New World Encyclopedia

“For me, Season of the Witch is about bravery and acting boldly in the face of forces that seek to limit the passion and power of women.”

                      — Nancy Gille, Haight-Ashbury fan/friend

“This is a good time for women to grab ahold of themselves, realize their strengths and act on them. Ho yeah, witchy woman!”

              — Peggy Caserta, author, I Ran Into Some Trouble

“This is the season of divine feminine power, the end of a cycle, and the harvest. I like seeing different peoples’ celebrations at this time of year, the way they dress up, a lot of colors, the altars in the windows. It’s an exciting, electric time!”                        

— Chloe, 25, Mendels Arts Supplies on Haight

“Season of the Witch means everybody will be healthy because the witch is powerful.” 

                                                — May, Love of Ganesha

“Feminine energy is darker, powerful. Initially with masculine and feminine, the feminine was death and destruction, like Kali, and then rebirth. But without the dark you can’t have the light. It’s a balance. Pagans and witches get a bad rap but they’re just working with Mother Earth — obviously feminine — in a positive way. And now we’re even stronger than we were before we were oppressed!” 

                   — Cassie & Savannah, Pipe Dreams on Haight

“The witch trials were a mechanism to control women back in the day, and this season is an opportunity for women to break free from the past oppression … now it is time for the ladies to SHINE into their true selves.

— Sunshine Powers, owner, Love on Haight  

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